Ensure Pathogens Don't Spread on NICU Devices.

Over 72% staff and visitor sanitization compliance rate over eight week pilot

Trusted by NICUs Across the Country

Our Impact as The Leader in Device Hygiene

Hospital Installs
NICU Devices Sanitized

What's Inside The Case Study

Catholic Health: Facility-Led Evaluation and Deployment Within The United States

  • Immediate 100% reduction in presence of VRE, MRSA and other pathogens.
  • Over 72% staff and visitor sanitization compliance rate over eight week pilot.
  • 66% less time vs a chemical wipe process to properly disinfect​
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Fast & Effective

Kills 99.9998% of MRSA in just 20 seconds.

Chemical-free Process

UV light kills pathogens with no device damage.

No Training Required

Simple & intuitive. Can be used by staff & visitors.

Hand Hygiene Enablement

Seamless integration with existing workflows and processes

Intelligent UV Sanitization For Staff & Visitor Devices.​

Hear What Our Customers Say…

Device Hygiene + Hand Hygiene: Two Problems, One Solution.

Staff, visitors and patients are using mobile devices every single day. They wash or sanitize their hands, then immediately use these devices.

Problem #1

Pathogens on Mobile Devices

1 in 4 hospital mobile devices are contaminated with pathogenic bacteria. 

Staff and visitor devices are the third hand we never wash.

Problem #2

Hand Hygiene

Increasing hand hygiene compliance is proven to reduce the risk of HAIs. 

However, changing behaviour is very difficult, and anything that adds steps to the workflow will be resisted.

How is Catholic Health Solving This Challenge?